Source code for mongoengine_mate.document

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module extend the power of ``mongoengine.Document``.

import math
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy

import mongoengine

from . import util

    from typing import Type, Any, List, Dict
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover

    from pymongo.collection import Collection
    from pymongo.database import Database
    from mongoengine import QuerySet
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover

    insert_errors = (mongoengine.NotUniqueError, mongoengine.BulkWriteError)
    insert_errors = (mongoengine.NotUniqueError,)

[docs]class ExtendedDocument(mongoengine.Document): """ Provide `mongoengine.Document <>`_ more utility methods. **中文文档** 为默认的 ``mongoengine.Document`` 提供了更多的便捷方法。 """ meta = { "abstract": True, }
[docs] @classmethod def id_field_name(cls): """ Return the ``_id`` field name. :rtype: str """ return
[docs] @classmethod def fields_ordered(cls): """ Return declared field name in order. :rtype: List[str] """ return list(cls._fields_ordered)
[docs] def keys(self): """ Convert to field list. :rtype: List[str] """ return list(self._fields_ordered)
[docs] def values(self): """ Convert to field value list. :rtype: list """ return [self._data.get(attr) for attr in self._fields_ordered]
[docs] def items(self): """ Convert to field and value pair list. :rtype: List[Tuple[str, Any]] """ return [(attr, self._data.get(attr)) for attr in self._fields_ordered]
[docs] def to_tuple(self): """ Convert to field tuple. :rtype: Tuple[str] """ return self._fields_ordered
[docs] def to_list(self): """ Convert to field list. :rtype: List[str] """ return self.keys()
[docs] def to_dict(self, include_none=True): """ Convert to dict. :type include_none: bool :param include_none: if False, None value field will be removed. :rtype: Dict[str, Any] """ if include_none: return dict(self.items()) else: return { key: value for key, value in self.items() if value is not None }
[docs] def to_OrderedDict(self, include_none=True): """ Convert to OrderedDict. :param include_none: bool, if False, None value field will be removed. """ if include_none: return OrderedDict(self.items()) else: return OrderedDict([ (key, value) for key, value in self.items() if value is not None ])
def __repr__(self): kwargs = list() for attr, value in self.items(): kwargs.append("%s=%r" % (attr, value)) return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(kwargs)) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs] def absorb(self, other): """ For attributes of others that value is not None, assign it to self. :type other: ExtendedDocument :rtype: dict **中文文档** 将另一个文档中的数据更新到本条文档。当且仅当数据值不为None时。 """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError overwritten_data = dict() for attr, value in other.items(): if value is not None: copied_value = deepcopy(value) setattr(self, attr, copied_value) overwritten_data[attr] = copied_value return overwritten_data
[docs] def revise(self, data): """ Revise attributes value with dictionary data. :type data: dict :rtype: dict **中文文档** 将一个字典中的数据更新到本条文档。当且仅当数据值不为None时。 """ if not isinstance(data, dict): raise TypeError overwritten_data = dict() for key, value in data.items(): if value is not None: copied_value = deepcopy(value) setattr(self, key, copied_value) overwritten_data[key] = copied_value return overwritten_data
[docs] @classmethod def collection(cls): """ Get pymongo Collection instance. :rtype: Collection **中文文档** 获得pymongo.Collection的实例。 """ return cls._get_collection()
[docs] @classmethod def col(cls): """ Alias of :meth:`~ExtendedDocument.collection()` :rtype: Collection """ return cls._get_collection()
[docs] @classmethod def database(cls): """ Get connected pymongo Database instance. :rtype: Database """ return cls._get_db()
[docs] @classmethod def db(cls): """ Alias of :meth:`~ExtendedDocument.database()` :rtype: Database """ return cls._get_db()
[docs] @classmethod def smart_insert(cls, data, minimal_size=5, n_insert=0, n_skipped=0): """ An optimized Insert strategy. :type data: Union[ExtendedDocument, List[ExtendedDocument]] :type minimal_size: int **中文文档** 在Insert中, 如果已经预知不会出现IntegrityError, 那么使用Bulk Insert的速度要 远远快于逐条Insert。而如果无法预知, 那么我们采用如下策略: 1. 尝试Bulk Insert, Bulk Insert由于在结束前不Commit, 所以速度很快。 2. 如果失败了, 那么对数据的条数开平方根, 进行分包, 然后对每个包重复该逻辑。 3. 若还是尝试失败, 则继续分包, 当分包的大小小于一定数量时, 则使用逐条插入。 直到成功为止。 该Insert策略在内存上需要额外的 sqrt(nbytes) 的开销, 跟原数据相比体积很小。 但时间上是各种情况下平均最优的。 """ if isinstance(data, list): # 首先进行尝试bulk insert try: cls.objects.insert(data) n_insert += len(data) # 失败了 except insert_errors: # 分析数据量 n = len(data) # 如果数据条数多于一定数量 if n >= minimal_size ** 2: # 则进行分包 n_chunk = math.floor(math.sqrt(n)) for chunk in util.grouper_list(data, n_chunk): n_insert, n_skipped = cls.smart_insert(chunk, minimal_size, n_insert, n_skipped) # 否则则一条条地逐条插入 else: for document in data: try: cls.objects.insert(document) n_insert += 1 except insert_errors: n_skipped += 1 else: try: cls.objects.insert(data) n_insert += 1 except insert_errors: n_skipped += 1 return n_insert, n_skipped
@classmethod def _smart_update(cls, obj, upsert=False): """ Update one document, locate the document by _id, then only update the field defined with the ExtendedDocument instance. None field is ignored. :type obj: ExtendedDocument :rtype: int :return: 0 or 1, number of document been updated """ if isinstance(obj, cls): dct = obj.to_dict(include_none=False) id_field_name = cls.id_field_name() if id_field_name in dct: dct.pop(id_field_name) return cls.objects(__raw__={"_id":}) \ .update_one(upsert=upsert, **dct) else: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError
[docs] @classmethod def smart_update(cls, data, upsert=False, _insert_after_update=False): """ Batch update with a lots orm data model. .. note:: The batch update operation is not atomic. It can be done with transaction in MongoDB 4.0 + :type data: Union[ExtendedDocument, List[ExtendedDocument]] :param _insert_after_update: for developer use only, if True, will collect all to-insert document and bulk insert it at once after update. :rtype: Tuple[int, int] """ n_update, n_insert = 0, 0 if isinstance(data, list): if _insert_after_update: upsert = False to_insert_list = list() for obj in data: update_flag = cls._smart_update(obj, upsert=upsert) if not update_flag: to_insert_list.append(obj) cls.smart_insert(to_insert_list) n_insert = len(to_insert_list) n_update = len(data) - n_insert else: for obj in data: update_flag = cls._smart_update(obj, upsert=upsert) if update_flag: n_update += 1 else: n_insert += 1 else: update_flag = cls._smart_update(data, upsert=upsert) if update_flag: n_update += 1 else: n_insert += 1 return n_update, n_insert
[docs] @classmethod def by_id(cls, _id): """ Get one document instance by _id. :rtype: ExtendedDocument **中文文档** 根据_id, 返回一条文档。 """ return cls.objects(__raw__={"_id": _id}).get()
[docs] @classmethod def by_filter(cls, filters): """ Filter objects by pymongo dict query. :rtype: QuerySet **中文文档** 使用pymongo的API进行查询。 """ return cls.objects(__raw__=filters)
[docs] @classmethod def random_sample(cls, filters=None, n=5): """ Randomly select n samples. :type filters: Union[Dict, None] :param filters: nature pymongo query dictionary. :type n: int :param n: number of document you want to select. :rtype: List[ExtendedDocument] **中文文档** 随机选择 ``n`` 个样本。 """ data = list() id_field = cls._meta["id_field"] pipeline = list() if filters is not None: filters = dict(filters) if id_field != "_id": filters["_id"] = filters[id_field] del filters[id_field] pipeline.append({"$match": filters}) pipeline.append({"$sample": {"size": n}}) col = cls.col() if id_field == "_id": for doc in col.aggregate(pipeline): obj = cls(**doc) data.append(obj) else: for doc in col.aggregate(pipeline): doc[id_field] = doc["_id"] del doc["_id"] obj = cls(**doc) data.append(obj) return data